07 Dec

that answers this description. may be, and no doubt very frequently is, the case that he makes a great mistake, that a little alcoholic drink a good, simple, plain and strong word of three letters 69 would be a decided benefit to him, especially where tea anti-alcoholist side of the matter consists of gross should be rent and the naked weakness of the fanatic There are also those who cannot take it in modera- stretch it over points that it does not cover. There is holist is a myth. His garment of pretended sanctity eminent physiologists call it? Oh, yes, of yielding to and coffee are largely used. But there are people who exposed. I have no quarrel with the person who The Anti-Alcoholist is a Defective. are very sensitive to alcoholic influences, without being tion. They had better leave it alone, although here in other respects. The person who is intemperate in exaggerations, one-sided observations, and unfortunate- The Rule of "Not Too Much." the temptation to either manufacture evidence or ly a not too scant sprinkling of well, what did the that the assumed moral superiority of the anti-alco- defectives outright. They had best leave alcohol alone. simply chooses not to drink alcoholic beverages. It However, it should be impressed upon the people it is better to try to induce them to live temperately

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