might not have been a drinking man, nevertheless, in addi- excessive supply of food which would constitute an Berechtigung des Alcoholgemisses. He says: improper burden upon the system. This reminds me individual capacity for work. Not, however, because quantity of food. A man who "lives well" generally, although he ter of fact the beefsteak as such had nothing to do with it, but the trouble was due merely to the excessive erages play a certain part. I will go further. I do not deny that in the ailments of of some remarks made by Dr. A. J. Starke in Die probably be ascribed to the beefsteak although as a mat- to do more work?" so indulges in good alcoholic beverages. would not, that, on the contrary, it would reduce the 64 tion to all other things which should not be forgotten al- Any physiologist would answer in advance that it of a sufficient food supply, and therefore creates an Myths about Sunday Closing. value in regard to the action of alcohol if the inquiry How, then, is it possible to arrive at results of any it is alcohol, but simply because it is given on top is started with this question "Does it enable an in- those who for years have "lived well," the alcoholic bev- dividual whose food supply is sufficient for his needs