That from the Anti-Saloon League! What more does the brewer want ? ing seems to dull the sense of humor. I have had anti- gentleman's fine logic? telligible why the Ohio prohibitionists are so violently growing." Is it necessary to point out the reverend with a similar statement, in connection with this in- For the benefit of anti-alcoholist editors, I will say they will undertake to make it another five million 62 ooo barrels of beer more than the year before! temperance sentiment never before has had such a strong grip on the people, and hence they drank 5,200,- Henry Colman, trustee of the Anti-Saloon League, classes however the temperance sentiment is constantly denouncing the Anti-Saloon League. Well, if the barrels for the new fiscal year. In the light of the past year's results it becomes in- ment is increasing all the time." Here the immigrant The Milwaukee Free Press quotes the Rev. Mr. prohibitionists and the churches cast them off, perhaps the brewers might hire them to keep on agitating, if additional beer while "among the middle and laboring crease of beer consumption that "the temperance senti- Hey, diddle, diddle, the cats and the fiddle! So, and the wealthy classes are made to consume the here plainly: "This is a joke." Anti-alcoholist writ-