essential to health, and the failure to observe these Some time ago one of the anti-alcoholist papers de- matters comparatively little what we eat. The main above all question of quality and chemical constitution It were time the brewers began to understand more troubles as a far more prolific source of crime, poverty, of food and drink, there is the overshadowing im- point is how we eat, and here the main point again portance of the supreme virtue of all temperance. It people from the issue of anti-alcoholism. characteristic of our age and is chiefly lacking in one Here are two items from daily papers that bear some- the people/' and seeking to promote that general ten- nounced my "Talks on Beer and Temperance" and mastication, comfort and enjoyment about a meal, as insanity and domestic infelicity, than is drink, by call- points with the consequent digestive and nervous particular, viz., in understanding that, far and away The Supreme Virtue is Temperance. dency towards intelligent, wholesome living, which is my insistence upon the manner of eating, thorough 59 clearly and generally the advisability of "getting to is moderate quantity. The Rule of "Not Too Much." (September, 1906.) ing these utterances pleasantries intended to divert