07 Dec

40 We see that the men of the middle ages went too far not be all there was in life. Unrest took hold of the The anti-alcoholist has taken only the first step from as in other things, truth lies midway temperance. the Creator saw in the beginning, that the world is was the chief aim of living men. With the growth of wealth led to greater indulgence on the other hand. higher moral ideas came the knowledge that this could good, and we, being in and of the world, have a right ancient world, there were protests against the sensual life as being of the flesh and the devil. We are be- Out of the mysticism of the East came the great re- in the reaction from extreme sensuality when they con- of medieval morality. For him there is either swinish ginning to see as, according to the biblical account, the opposite extreme, condemned all enjoyment of life on the one hand, while the great accumulations of In the present day we are beginning to see that here, that temperate way which becomes civilized man. abandoning ourselves to the lusts of the flesh, but in the spiritual world and condemned all enjoyment of trasted the "prince of this world" with the prince of to enjoy it, not in the old animal and sensual way, by the ancient days. He remains standing on the ground ligious revolution, and the medieval church, going to physical existence.

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