07 Dec

(April i, 1906.) be it physical, mental or moral. He has no' right to and drag them down to this inferior standard. In- without the slightest fear or danger of injurious con- superiority, treat him as he deserves, put him where tion, and we shall enjoy a glass of beer or light wine cringing before his self-assumed but fictitious moral pity, and tell him to mind his own business. to put them back into leading strings. Instead of in thought, in speech, in action. Being himself ill- he belongs, among the children, the sick, the lame, and capable of enjoying the good things of the world in other people are equally unfortunate, and he wants There is not only a spirituous but also a spiritual side I have said before, and I say again, the anti-alco- to the drink question. And how close they lie to- The Spiritual Side of the Drink Question and the holist is a person afflicted with some abnormality, moderation, he believes, or affects to believe, that all is the inferior moral plane, the plane of intemperance claim a higher morality. Rather the contrary. His the halting, give him not of your fear, but of your Degrading Materialism of the Anti-Alcoholist. 36 sequences. Spiritual Side of the Question. balanced, he seeks to overthrow the balance of others

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