07 Dec

cannot help thinking of what Herbert Spencer said in when, from one or other cause, it is mitigated, recognition Elsewhere I have illustrated the curious truth that while place? Not legislation, not stern repression, not coercion. nothing improper seen in it. Now that higher ideas proves that conditions have greatly improved. As ures shall be taken for its extinction; natural means hav- an evil is very great it attracts little or no attention; that arises. One of the instances T named was the immense What has produced the transformation that has since taken this connection : ing done so much, a peremptory call for artificial means grandfathers. . eighteenth century, followed during recent times by a loud for recalling this instance has been the discovery of evid- of it brings efforts to decrease it; and when it has much long as everybody ate and drank to excess, there was are gaining, these practices are recognized as evil, and The very fact that we have anti-alcoholists today decline in drunkenness which has taken place since the ence showing how extreme were the excesses 6f our great- Progress of Temperance in Eating and Drinking. but with the use of the good things of the world. I advocacy of legislation for suppressing it. The occasion but the getting away from more primitive conditions. diminished, there comes a strong demand that strong meas- ill-balanced minds want to do away, not with the abuse,

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