the other machine exactly the same sound. It was no more than the gentle science, was a young Scottish American. His name, now known as widely telephone, uttered in the clanging din of a machine-shop and happily and "with no language but a cry." electricity had been known to do before. But it was true. had in a flash become so easy that he could scarcely believe it. Here, along a wire and changed back to sound at the farther end. It was problem of the telephone. To other men that exceedingly faint sound thunder-clap. It was a dream come true. It was an impossible thing which No discovery has ever been less accidental. It was the last link of world that a complete sound had been carried along a wire, reproduced generation who was able to focus a knowledge of both subjects upon the without the use of a battery, with no more electric current than that perfectly at the other end, and heard by an expert in acoustics. deliberate search. Already, for half a year or longer, Bell had known The professor-inventor, who had thus rescued the tiny foundling of as the telephone itself, was Alexander Graham Bell. He was a teacher made by a couple of magnets, all the waves of a sound had been carried a long chain of discoveries. It was the result of a persistent and absurd. It was incredible. It was something which neither wire nor of the little newcomer. There, amidst flying belts and jarring wheels, TWANG of a clock-spring; but it was the first time in the history of the the baby telephone was born, as feeble and helpless as any other baby, of acoustics and a student of electricity, possibly the only man in his That twang of the clock-spring was the first tiny cry of the newborn heard by a man whose ear had been trained to recognize the strange voice would have been as inaudible as silence itself; but to Bell it was a