XXXV. sacred hallows that wont to be therewithin whereby they might be God and His commandments were honoured, and so indeed had they. and sent back thither all them that had served King Fisherman. safety. The Saviour of the World well knew that the Good Knight had whereof the point bleedeth, and the sword wherewith St John was won the castle by his valour that should have been his own of right, The good men were there within with Perceval, that much loved their comforted. entered therein and made their orisons, and prayed the Saviour of the over, the Saviour of the World was right joyous and well pleased chapel open where the sacred hallows were wont to be. The holy hermits The High History witnesseth us that when the conquest of the castle was Perceval made right great joy of them when he saw them, and they of XXXVI. thereof. The Graal presented itself again in the chapel, and the lance so soon as the King that slew himself had seized the castle, for that him. They seemed well to be a folk that had come from some place where World that He would swiftly restore to them the most Holy Graal and the as they had been wont. Joseus remained with Perceval at the castle as they would not be at his court, and the Lord God preserved them from him and made them go into such a place as that they should be in hermits went back to their hermitages in the forest and served Our Lord right great plenty. For our Lord God loved the place much. The beheaded that Messire Gawain won, and the other holy relics whereof was company. Josephus witnesseth us that the ancient knights that were of the household of King Fisherman, and the priests and damsels, departed