him, and they of the seventh bridge likewise. When the red lion saw destrier and cometh back to them of the fifth bridge, and these defend Perceval cometh again back and alighteth of the white mule and with his claws and teeth. full wroth, and runneth upon the other lion and teareth him to pieces Perceval slayeth them and crusheth them and maketh them topple over themselves right stoutly, for that hardy knights are they, and do even as He Himself suffered travail for His people. one hour of the day. But He willeth that a man should travail for Him, Perceval and yielded themselves to him and delivered up their swords to battle against Perceval full sturdily. Joseus the hermit cometh fury that he burst his chain as had he been wood mad. He came to one XXX. Lord God not saved him they would have overthrown and slain him. and grippeth them so straight that they may not help themselves. Howbeit, he holdeth the banner and grappleth them when he may lay hold, that the seventh bridge was Won, and that the knights of the two bridges had yielded themselves up to Perceval, he leapt up with such suffer for Him, shall God be well pleased. For, were all the world of the knights and bit him and slew him, whereof the white lion was be His champion all His power and might, he would conquer them all in sixth bridge saw that these were conquered, they cried mercy of delivereth the banner to Joseus, and then mounteth again on his into the water that ran swiftly beneath the bridge. When they of the thither and assaulteth them with passing great lustihood, that had the XXXI. against our Lord God, and He should grant to any single one that should