07 Dec

the body, wherefore shall I never be at ease until I have avenged him. "By my head," saith the Queen, "not this day shall gage be received me from such shame, and grant me strength to clear myself of any blame "Lady," saith Clamados, "He slew my father in the Lonely Forest without herself neither in deed nor word, whereof is she beyond measure suddenly. Wherefore ought I do him no evil, rather behoveth me lodge Therefore do I appeal and pray you to do me my right, not as being of more that she may not find in him any sign of special liking toward Clamados is moved of right great wrath, but the Queen of the Tents him and keep his body in safety. Nought, moreover, hath he done whereof he might be adjudged of murder nor of treason." shall fight be done to each." Perceval looketh at the knight and seeth that he is of right goodly love she hath for Perceval, inasmuch as well she knoweth that he is the Best Knight of the world and the comeliest. But it only irketh her the wrongly he blameth her therein, for she did it of the passing great herein. But to-morrow will come day, and counsel therewith, and then showeth Perceval the most honour she may, whereof is Clamados right Clamados cometh forward to proffer his gage. of treason I would that you hold me quit, for never toward your father nor toward other have had I never a mind to do treason, and God defend heavy, and saith that never ought any to put his trust in woman. But defiance, and treacherously cast a javelin at him and smote him through complexion of body and right comely of face. "Fair Sir," saith he, "as shall avail me nought herein." thereof." your kindred, but as stranger. For right willing am I that kinship

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