07 Dec

any place you please, where I may save your honour." "Yea, so help me God," saith Lancelot, "The same shall they be, if God for me, and in like manner freely would I fain set mine own in jeopardy none recovery is there; but my body do I offer you and my knighthood in help to save henceforth for ever and so be that I shall know of your say to me, so your deeds be but the same herein." he did for me." heard. And Lancelot saith to him, "Sir Knight, let be this dole, for lend me the power." "Sir," saith Lancelot, "He helped me to save my life, and yours will I Lancelot, and beginneth to make dole thereof the greatest that was ever The knight heareth that his brother is dead and well believeth "Sir," saith the knight, "Right good will do I owe you of this that you for love of you and of him." you of that he hath done for me. He delivered his body to the death jeopardy." "By my head," saith Lancelot, "I will go with you, that so may I reward is dead, I will return back and bear with my wrong, though well would love, sith that you deign to offer me the same, and now have I sorer loved I knight so much in so brief a time as I loved him. He helped to need of them than ever. Sir," saith the knight, "Sith that my brother he have amended it had he been on live." for I have lost my comfort and my life and my land without recovery." save me from death, and therefore will I do for you according to that II. "Sir," saith the knight, "With good will receive I your help and your "Sir," saith the knight, "If he be dead, a great grief is it to myself,

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