07 Dec

poor and barren of all comfort, and therein findeth he a poor castle, thitherward and alighteth, and a knight cometh down the steps of the have found you! I come from this forest wherein have I left Lancelot chamber, right poorly clad, that were of passing great beauty, and make Messire Gawain goeth down from the hall and mounteth all armed upon his deed as you are of word, and they saw that you were come through the fighting with four knights, whereof one is dead, and they think that it you thereupon a knight that entereth into the hall, and he was smitten space sorrowful and sore abashed, until he cometh to a land parched and horse. hall right poorly clad. whereinto he cometh and seeth it much wasted, but that within was there hall, that was all waste. Therewithal issue two damsels from a After that, he taketh him by the hand and leadeth him upward to the Gawain, whom he knoweth. Forest Perilous whereby pass all the discomfited, as well appeareth by with the broken end of a lance through his body. He seeth Messire "Now haste!" saith he, "and disarm you not! Right joyful am I that I great cheer to Messire Gawain. So, when he was fain to disarm, behold where you destroyed the evil custom. I was fain to help Lancelot, when one of the knights smote me as you may see." is you, and they are of kindred to the knight that you slew at the tent your arms and your horse." Therewith the knight departeth, and Messire Gawain hath ridden a great "Sir," saith the knight to Messire Gawain, "Welcome may you be!" XXIV. a hall that seemed haunted of folk. And Messire Gawain cometh

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