07 Dec

but the prevention of the disease is assured by the thorough cooking of pork .the acute pain and fever ; and others recover after much suffering, and do not of migration of all young worms into the muscles is attended with very severe TRICHINA SPIRALIS is a form of nematode which infests the muscles of the pig, and possesses special interest on account of the effects of the consumption and the rejection of the meat as an article of diet when it is seen to be infested containing encapsuled trichinae are given in an uncooked or underdone state to PRINTED BY FRANCIS CARTER, IRON GATE WORKS. of the infected pork by the human subject. In the muscles of some the larval percentage of persons who suffer from eating underdone trichinised pork die from trichinae may remain coiled up in their capsules for any length of time without human beings or any susceptible animals. The larval worms escape from \\, Trichiniasis is known among swine in Germany and in America ; but there are exceptionally few instances of the discovery of the parasite in English pigs. their capsules in the digestive canal, and soon become mature and deposit eggs muscles. It is obvious that no treatment can be applied directly to parasites ; experience any inconvenience from the presence of encapsuled worms in the matism, with which trichiniasis is said to be often confounded. A certain rests, unless it is swallowed by a warm-blooded animal. In man the process causing any disturbance which indicates their presence when portions of flesh pain and fever. The general symptoms are not unlike those of acute rheu- with trichina. invested with a distinct membrane forming the capsule in which the worm DERBY: which are quickly hatched, setting free young worms, which proceed at once to bore their way to the muscles, in which they coil themselves and become

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