07 Dec

and discrimination in the selection of their food, swine are infested with injury to its host, it is not looked for, and the occasional detection of the worm found also in the fourth stomach in company with the Strongylus contortus. sometimes found in the small intestines of the sheep, and is said to have been UNCINARIA OR DOCHIMUS CERVINA. This worm is a small nematode, portion ; this part is of a considerable length, and throughout of hair-like in the stomach. The parasite, which is sometimes twelve or fourteen inches veterinary journals from the Continent without keenly realising the fact. with four teeth, two on each side ; the head is curved slightly. No particular numerous intestinal parasites, most of which are nematodes. better in France, and it is impossible to read the records of cases in the NEMATODES OF SWINE. Owing, perhaps, to the entire absence of delicacy in some parts of France. It is quite likely that the nematode is more often ACANTHOCKPHALA. The thorn-headed worm (Echinoryncus gigas) is found present in our sheep than it is supposed to be ; but as it does not cause any with a circular mouth, opening into a species of bursa or sack, which is armed disturbance can be traced to the presence of the worm in the intestinal canal of A small nematode worm, the Sclerostoma hypostomum, is seen but rarely in presence seems to be unattended with any inconvenience. worm is distinguished by a body which is much thicker than the neck or upper is frequently found in the caecum hanging from the mucous membrane. The fineness. The parasite is the most common of all the nematodes, and its the small intestines of sheep. The worm is said to be common among sheep Strongylus filicollis, a smaller nematode than the Strongylus contortus, is is purely an accident during a post mortem examination. the sheep. A curious form of nematode the Tricocephalus affinis, or hair-headed worm

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