07 Dec

upon total of 607. 6.26 full of these parasites, one had no front teeth and therefore was name of this 23-8 18.78 It may be well to state here what is detailed further on the great variations of the death rate. Average Jura rain-fall is Direct cause This gives i Stag to 165.5 acres, I Hind to 77.42 acres. 310 In Forest 6| per cent, of dead stags were found during 5 years first recorded. not a great treasure. We seldom find dead deer quite fresh strongylus 51- enough to open and examine them. Micrurus. Counts of stags for 9 years, and lists of dead deer found for 1 1 years are appended for Forest ; also 7 years deaths for 2. 14 Hinds to i Stag on Tarbert. with about no inches rainfall. I believe very many deer die of Death rate. 6< inches. Rain alone cannot kill many deer, or what would of variable 114 38 have found two stags freshly dead in 1890, both had their lungs 607 Deer ( i Deer to 39. 5 acres) become of the large and rapidly increasing stock of Glenquoich Tarbert. I have referred in vain to the yearly rain-fall to explain 13 the hair-like lung-worm, causing the disease called husk ; we

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