07 Dec

enclosures. This calf used to pasture at will among the crops on down very low in condition every October, which is not the case of age, by mistake, in mist ; his weight proved to be 26 stone year. be here given. are apparently quite as hardy as stags, they do not fight, they 1 7 years old. Individuals no doubt vary in their date of maturity and decline. Age of Hind?. Little seems to be recorded as to the longevity of hinds. They be considered a wood stag. might have improved had the stag lived. Hill Stags. Mr. Edward Ross thinks hill stags usually attain their prime Most of the very best heads in the island have been obtained An instance of the rapid growth of a well-fed wood stag may be called a good head, but nothing more. No doubt the head with hinds. There can be little doubt that hinds on an average A calf stag having lost its mother wandered into the Ardfin Ardfin farm. He was shot 3oth August, 1872, when 8 years their prime longer than hill stags. The Torranbuie stag might lection of heads at Ardfin than that of a wood stag shot there last sion, they appear to maintain their prime for about 5 years till Wood Stags. l ' l 'Wood Vtags" hJatim^<xcxnsiderably faster than stags on the open hills; Being strong and heavy beasts, it is possible they maintain have no horns to grow, and it must be remembered stags run from wood stags. There is nothing much better in the large col- when 12 years of age. My observations lead to the same conclu- 4 pounds, weighed perfectly clean. The head was just what might

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