baptized there remains concupiscence, or an incentive one can be saved, which I now truly buried together with Christ by baptism into death ; tain and confess entire and who are bom again, there is nothing that God hates, vow, and swear with God's concludes : " This true Cath- unstained to the end of my hold, I, the same promise, of original sin is remitted, or even asserts that the life. So may God help me who walk not according to the flesh, but, putting off whatever to retard their entrance into heaven. But because there is no condemnation to those who are according to God, are made innocent, immaculate, pure, but joint heirs with Christ ; so that there is nothing of sin is not taken away, but says that it is only rased, whole of that which has the true and proper nature olic faith, out of which no this holy Synod confesses and is sensible that in the the old man, and putting on the new which is created help most constantly to re- [The Creed of Pius IV. thus and these his holy Gospels."] freely profess and sincerely or not imputed ; let him be anathema. For, in those harmless, and beloved of God, heirs indeed of God,