07 Dec

and with equal care watched that where it had been Finally, the Council of Florence defined that : The with God's help they had recognised as in harmony tians ; and that to him in blessed Peter our Lord Jesus dangers especially which appeared in matters of faith, and circumstances suggested, now assembling oecu- the ancient rule, informed this Apostolic See of thofce Hence the bishops of the whole world, at one time doctrine of Christ among all the nations of the earth, long-established custom of Churches and the form of erning the universal Church. In fulfilment of this pastoral office, Our Predecessors Christ gave the full power of feeding, ruling, and gov- And the Roman Pontiffs, as the condition of times received it might be preserved pure and undefiled. PAPAL PRIMACY IN HISTORY 73 singly, at another assembled in synod, following the dence supplied, defined those things to be held, which Roman Pontiff is the true Vicar of Christ, head of the that, where the faith can suffer no defect, there the losses of faith might be most effectually made good. scattered abroad over the world, at times by particular whole Church and the father and teacher of all Chris- menical Councils, or searching the mind of the Church with the sacred Scriptures and apostolic traditions. strove ever unweariedly to spread abroad the salutary synods, again using other helps which divine provi-

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