us. These books of the Old and New Testament are Church. (1) THE INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE 63 same council, and are contained in the ancient Latin And I believe one Holy, Cath- embrace the Apoetolical and to be received, as sacred and canonical, whole with all olic, and Apostolic Church. constitutions of the same 62 the Holy Catholic Church ; ROMAN CATHOLICISM on, as it were, from hand to hand, have come down to and canonical, not because, being composed by mere I acknowledge the Holy, Cath- Ecclesiastical Traditions, and all other observances and human industry, they were afterwards approved by their parts, as they are set forth in the decree of the for the Mother and mistress mise true obedience to the selves from the dictation of the Holy Spirit, handed I most steadfastly admit and Vulgate edition. The Church holds them to be sacred of all Churches, and I pro- her authority, nor because they contain revelation free olic Apostolic, Roman Church