07 Dec

went on by Glenpatrick Carpet Works and Foxbar, up the hill by the right Ward Farm and wide to the left of Carruth, hounds ran by Ladymuir and numerous company. They found a fox near the house, and ran slowly Gavin into Skiff, where they changed to a fresh specimen, and a fine gallop one hour and twenty minutes. The intricacies of Renfrewshire hunting territory would in some places Moor for Garvocks and had the remainder of this run to themselves. One Muirshields to the left of Branchal, through Hardridge and Muirhouse to over an impossible bit of country in his efforts to recover the pack. March, and at this time Mr. W. C. Dickson was there to welcome a came to an end. of Gleniffer, past Sergeantlaw and over the valley between Threepgrass felt rather sorry for Molyneux, who had to face a blinding snowstorm moorland fox that was found in Barcraig. Going away to the right of Double Woods and Plymuir just above Peatman's Moss to go on by Caplaw stalkers were wielding spades, one can imagine that the fun was not long and Game Wood, finally running to ground at Roundle Wood. Time, a line similar to that traversed on 17th February would hardly care to do so again. The meet was at Castle Semple East Lodge, and it was a real There was a capital run to follow a meet at Caldwell House on 7th The season ended on 28th March with a meet at Auchinbothie, and up to Caldwell Law, where hounds got on better terms, and ran fast by to Bardrain. Here the hounds unfortunately divided, but the main body been asking for trouble to proceed farther. Hounds went on over Greenock test the pluck of any mounted participant, and those who have ridden over delayed. They ran this fox very fast by Auchengrange through West Burnbank. Most of the field got as far as this point, but it would have

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