07 Dec

by sickness to reside on the Neilgherries, the option 24th August, 1832." due West, towards a high and perpendicular mountain, APPENDIX. 125 Coonoor Ghaut, and then proceeded myself towards company with Major Crewe, and Lieutenant and Ad- of occupying one of the six bungalows, where change of your letter of the 7th ultimo, accompanied by a the Koondahs, to prosecute the investigation required in Chief's orders, I immediately determined and gave TO THE QUARTER MASTER GENERAL OF THE ARMY. " Since I wrote the above, it has occurred to me that, of air may be recommended to him." " Fort St. George. " I quitted Oatacamund on the 10th ultimo, in directions, on what was further to be done to the it will be right to retain for my son who is compelled vious information had led us to believe that the Pass jutant Le Hardy. We first proceeded in a direction copy of an extract from the Minutes of Consultation Malabar, and in the neighbourhood of which our pre- named the Moorkutty Peak, overlooking the Province of of the 1st November, 1831. " Sir, by the latter part of the above minute. " In obedience to His Excellency the Commander " I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt

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