B. Alleepaukum 10 and I hope, at some future period, to hear that THE NEW ROAD. To Miles. B. Colar 17 Bangalore 16 B. Laitery Fort 14 B. Nakanairy (top of pass) ... 10 B. Laulpett 8 APPENDIX. B. Tirulalum 8 ROUTE FROM MADRAS TO BANGALORE. Miles. B. Veucatagherry ..... 7 Poonaraallee 13 B. Alleecolum . . . . . . 11 B. Narsapoor 9 my endeavours in the second have not been B. Nellatoor 1C B. Baitnumgalum 11 B. Gorialtum 17 (Places that have B. opposite, have a Bungalow.) B. Perimbaucum 7 9G APPENDIX. B. Ooscottah 15 B. Teereemapoor . . . . . 14 wholly unsuccessful.