giving to my friends and the public of India, all and among them, several Ghurries or Droogs, the community in India, or to the government voyage of nearly five months ; the other of portion of that country, of the beauties and ad- particularly that of Ramghurry. At the foot of mences, extending for many miles in every di- this town stands, are hills of various shapes ; the hills an almost impenetrable jungle com- vantages of which, so little is known either to kinds, which often afford amusement to the the information that is necessary concerning a useful and interesting, I' bid them adieu. In thing in these sketches, that may prove both 94 FALLS OF THE CAVERY one, of beguiling the tedious hours of a long sea- The first object I have effectually attained ; Bangalore. On all sides of the plain in which retreat for a week or two, for persons from at home. low, a most commodious one, and a pleasant On an opposite eminence is the public bunga- Trusting now that my readers will find some- writing these pages I had two objects in view ; or hill-forts, of former days, are conspicuous, rection, and infested by wild animals of various lovers of oriental sporting.