07 Dec

The truth of what I have here stated regard- explanation of the place it is intended to re- sandy and dried-up plains of the Carnatic, or battles, or with a tedious description of the ing the climate of the Hills, the reader will often and so profusely detailed by various from the utmost violence of the western mon- find in the Appendix abundantly established but shall merely add to each drawing a brief I have been induced to add these views, Dr. Baikie, the Superintending Medical Officer writers ; and the country en route being so scanty in pictorial interest, except what I have THE different important events connected with of the arid and wild appearance of the country from the idea that there are many persons both FALLS OF THE CAVERY selected, I shall not encumber my readers with on the Neilgherries ; and they amply confirm soon. present. nearly all the following views having been so between the Pass of Nakanairy and Bangalore, all the previous Reports. CONCLUSION. thrice-told tales of sieges or of hard-fought- by Extracts of Reports and Returns sent in by

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