If I had the means I would evaporate a con- this means quantities of extraneous bodies, which Neither of the waters sent, either upon or Succinate of Ammonia. agents in the ordinary way, might be discovered. Oxalate of Ammonia. I remain, My dear Sir, wells water, from which a precipitate was occa- Prussiate of Potash. The re-agents which I have employed are the Tincture of Litmus. manner, and then examine the remainder. By Alcoholic Solution of Soap. Hydro Sulphurate of Ammonia. Nitrate of Barytes. following ; Nitrate of Silver. siderable quantity of these waters in a proper may be too inconsiderable to be detected by re- effect was very different with the Madras town Phosphate of Soda. (34 FALLS OF THE C A VERY by the addition of any of the above tests. The sioned by six, out of the eleven tests. Sulphuric Acid. Barytes. after testing, were in the least degree changed